Nous testons votre propriété
Wij testen uw eigendom
We test your property
According to the European Environment Agency, our indoor environment is two to five times more toxic than our outdoors! Many Europeans spend as much as 90% of their lives indoors.
Environmental health, human well-being and professional productivity are highly connected. Healthy building is – a human right – where we work, sleep and play.
Where / Waar / Où
Improved Indoor Environmental Quality
Services / Diensten
Air / Lucht
Gas / Gaz
Water / Eau
Soil / Bodem
Radiation / Straling
Prevention / Preventie
Inspection / Inspectie
From the basement and crawlspace to the attic and roof, we inspect and sample for a wide array of common indoor environmental pollutants
Collecter / Verzamelen
If necessary, we sample and test air, dust, soil, and water looking for everything from allergens, and heavy metals, to VOCs
Analyser / Analyseren
We coordinate & interpret the lab results and share our findings in a user-friendly report, suggesting practical and affordable mitigation strategies
About us / À propos / Over ons
- Een groep wetenschappers die werkt aan het gezonder maken van ruimtes
- Société belge active à Bruxelles depuis l'année 2018
- A group of scientists working to make your spaces healthier
- Our purpose is to improve the lives in all buildings, of all people
- A passion for helping doctors, architects, managers and home owners
- We are taking science of healthier buildings to optimize your health
- +32(0)478900956
- Rue Van Campenhout, 1000 Brussels, Belgium