Poštovani posjetitelji i prijatelji Sabatine,
kako biste osigurali smještaj na Sabatini po povoljnim cijenama, rezervaciju izvršite do 25.10.2023. putem linka: https://www.valamar.com/hr/kongresi/eventi#SABATINA
Cijene smještaja i obroka na Sabatini (boravišna pristojba uključena u cijenu):
Classic soba s pogledom na more | Classic soba s pogledom na park | |||
Tip sobe | 1/1 | 1/2 | 1/1 | 1/2 |
FB / Puni pansion | 110 | 95 | 95 | 80 |
HB / Polupansion | 100 | 85 | 85 | 70 |
BB / Noćenje s doručkom | 95 | 80 | 80 | 65 |
Gosti koji nisu smješteni u hotelu ili imaju noćenje s doručkom, na recepciji mogu kupiti kartice za obroke po cijeni:
ručak 19€ i večera 25€ (PDV uključen).
Važno je rezervaciju kartice za obrok izvršiti najkasnije 1 DAN RANIJE na mob: 091 335 8855
Večere u restoranu svaku večer traju do 22:45 h, a desert se poslužuje u Wine baru, gdje se nastavljaju druženje i zabava uz muziku i degustaciju vina Sabatine.
Rezervacije stolova u restoranu tijekom obroka možete izvršiti na tel: 020 449 103 ili mail: sara.tepsic@imperial.hr
Hotel Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik osigurao je sudionicima Sabatine mogućnost boravka u hotelu po povlaštenim cijenama za cijelo razdoblje od 6.11.2023. – 15.11.2023.
Pogledajte Hotel Valamar Lacroma u slikama i uživajte u pogledu iz zraka 360°
Vidimo se u Dubrovniku!
Dear visitors and friends of Sabatina,
in order to ensure accommodation on Sabatina at favorable prices, make your reservation by 25.10.2023. via the link: https://www.valamar.com/hr/kongresi/eventi#SABATINA
For help, see the link Instructions and conditions for booking accommodation.
Accommodation and meal prices on Sabatina (local tax included in the price):
Classic room with a view of the sea | Classic room with a view of the park | |||
Room type | 1/1 | 1/2 | 1/1 | 1/2 |
FB / Full board | 110 | 95 | 95 | 80 |
HB / Half board | 100 | 85 | 85 | 70 |
BB / Bed and breakfast | 95 | 80 | 80 | 65 |
Guests who are not staying at the hotel or have a bed and breakfast can buy meal cards at the reception at the price:
lunch €19 and dinner €25 (VAT included).
It is important to make a meal card reservation no later than 1 DAY EARLIER on mobile: 091 335 8855
Dinners in the restaurant last until 10:45 p.m. every night, and dessert will be served in the Wine bar, where socializing and entertainment will continue with music and Sabatina wine tasting.
Table reservations in the restaurant during the meal can be made by phone: 020 449 103 or email: sara.tepsic@imperial.hr
Hotel Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik provided Sabatina participants with the opportunity to stay in the hotel at preferential prices for the entire period from November 6, 2023. – 15.11.2023.
Take a look at Hotel Valamar Lacroma in the pictures and enjoy the 360° view from the air.
See you in Dubrovnik!